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Topic: shared custody of only child ..need info please  (Read 730 times)

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shared custody of only child ..need info please
« on: April 11, 2006, 03:46:35 AM »
Hi everyone ,
                        I have been reading your forum for over a month now trying to find an answer for my question .. I am a us citizen , my soon to be hubby is UK citizen and we are planning to get married in December . I do have a 3 year old son that I share legal-joint custody with my ex-husband , I have the physical custody ... once I get married I am going to apply for my visa but my question is what type of paperwork do I need for my son ? I  want to take my son with me ( and i am praying that my ex says yes ) but if he says no .. I don't know what do I need to do .. he does give me money for my son and sees my son once a week for 2 hours ( by his choice ) any advice ?

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Re: shared custody of only child ..need info please
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2006, 03:59:15 AM »
You will have to have the agreement of the child's father in order to be able to move him out of the country.  After much negotiation, my ex provided me w/a notarized letter stating he had no objections to my moving to the UK w/our kids.  That was sufficient to get visas for my girls. 

If your ex says no, your options are pretty limited.  You can go to court for sole custody, or you can try to get a judge to order that your child be permitted to move to the UK.  Impossible to say how successful that would be, as it's dependent on your personal circumstances.

My advice (from personal experience), be upfront w/your ex and be patient w/him.  Try and give him as much time as you can to get used to the idea.  No matter how unreasonable you might think he's being, moving a child out of the country is a really big deal.  Make nice as much as you can, and don't bring out the big guns unless/until you need to.

Good luck!
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Re: shared custody of only child ..need info please
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2006, 08:33:48 PM »
my ex after deliberation and arguments agreed and notarized paperwork from my lawyer  with his wishy-washyness we didn't trust him so the lawyer submitted it to the court to give me primary physical and legal custody it even says in the court order that we both agreed it was in the best interest of the kids and me to relocate to the UK... took out all the hassle for passports i didn't need his signature for them...  play it safe.

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