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Topic: What should I take so I don't get *another* sinus infection while flying??  (Read 916 times)

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I think my doctor recommended a decongestant taken orally 2 hrs. before take-off and afrin nasal spray 20mins before take-off.  Does anyone else do this while flying?  If not, what do you take to ward off sinus infections? I fly out today :)

I agree with the decongestent prior to take-off - just make sure you give it enough time to do it's thing before you're actually in the plane. I have NO clue if this is related, but I also carry a little spray of nasal lubricant (I'm sure there's a better word for it!) to keep my nose from getting completely dried out from the air....

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I have that ocean nasal spray and carry it with me all the time.  Its great! :)

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Rub Neosporin ointment up around in your nostrils. (I am not kidding.)
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in...

- from Anthem, by Leonard Cohen (b 1934)

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i often get sick when flying, but not always sinus infections, sometimes just coldish/fluish symptons.  i take vitamin C & echnichea before, during, and right after flying.  seems to do the trick for me.
If you harbour bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.

I went through a really strange phase of getting throat infections every time I crossed the Atlantic! For about three trips I'd come home and end up at the doctor. It was really, really odd - I always tested negative for strep but had the same symptoms and antibiotics always cleared it up. Very odd - I never did figure out what exactly was going on, but it hasn't happened in years.

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