I just finished my fast track app for settlement visa, and it chose the Chicago office automatically when I was hoping to make an appointment in New York.
Just to back up for a second: I currently live in Minneapolis, but we're getting married in NYC and was hoping to make an appointment at the NY office for a few days after the wedding when I had the marriage certificate to finish my application. I chose that I wanted to finish my app in person, and the next thing I know it says that I have to go to Chicago and that no other office can handle my app. It chooses based on your current address, rather than letting you choose which office would be most convenient. Hopefully I can change it, since one of the reasons we're getting married in NYC was to be near the consulate.
If any one knows about this sort of thing or has experience with it let me know. Also is there a time limit after you make the fast trak application for you to complete it? We're not getting married for a few months, but I just wanted to get this out of the way (and I had the money in my account).
As always, any help is greatly appreciated.