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Topic: FLR: Do I need a job/Do we need to notify the Embassy?  (Read 597 times)

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FLR: Do I need a job/Do we need to notify the Embassy?
« on: May 18, 2006, 08:23:09 PM »
Hello, just a few questions!

I was wondering if I need to have a job to apply for the FLR.  I'm working part-time right now, which was for the fiancĂ© visa for my other half.  To be truthful we don't really need any extra money as my mother is happy to support us both.  I remember the rules were that we can't rely on government money. 

Also, when we gave our Notice in for marriage, the person who interviewed us said that we had to notify the UK Embassy that we have gotten married after we're married.  Is this true that we have to do this?

Thank you in advance!

- Julie

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Re: FLR: Do I need a job/Do we need to notify the Embassy?
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2006, 04:58:01 AM »
Applying for an FRL(M) is much like getting Entry Clarence as the Fiancee Visa including proving that whomever is immigrating would not utilize public funds.  So I would say keep the same status that you needed for the fiance visa.

"notify the UK Embassy" is an odd remark all together.  A little bit more background would help.  I assume, munkiipoo, you are a British Citizen, but where are you getting married (since there are no UK Embassies in the UK, and everything Immigration wise falls under the IND which is part of HO).  If you are getting married in England or Wales, hopefully you gave notice and will register your marriage at one of the 67 offices that deal with immigration controlled weddings.  If that is the case, you will be ok, but you should apply with IND for the FRL(M) as soon as reasonable.

Again, note there are several postings in here about leaving the UK for your honeymoon without changing your status via the FRL(M).
WARNING My thoughts and comments are entirely my own.  Especially when it comes to immigration and tax advice, I am not a professional.  My advice is to seek out professional advice.  Your mileage may vary!
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