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Topic: If you have a deceased spouse.....  (Read 715 times)

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If you have a deceased spouse.....
« on: May 29, 2006, 02:53:11 PM »
.....and you want to get married in the UK, you must have certified copies of both the death certificate and the wedding certificate.

These can be expensive and time consuming to get. No one mentions this at the Home Office or at the Embassy while applying for a fiancee visa (you'll also need the death cer. for the fiancee visa application).

'Hope this saves someone some hassle.

Re: If you have a deceased spouse.....
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2006, 03:14:03 PM »
.....and you want to get married in the UK, you must have certified copies of both the death certificate and the wedding certificate.

These can be expensive and time consuming to get. No one mentions this at the Home Office or at the Embassy while applying for a fiancee visa (you'll also need the death cer. for the fiancee visa application).

'Hope this saves someone some hassle.

Marital History:   If the applicant/sponsor have a prior marriage, they must include their divorce certificates (or death certificates in the case of widowers). If divorce certificates cannot be produced, the applicant/sponsor must provide evidence that the divorce would be recognized in the UK as legitimate.


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Re: If you have a deceased spouse.....
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2006, 10:32:51 AM »
My experience was that at the last moment in arranging my wedding ceremony at the local office, they demanded to see a wedding certificate from my former marriage to my deceased wife -even though I was listed as her spouse on the certified death certificate.

It has to be an "estopple"-certified copy of the wedding certificate, by the way. In my case, it would have been a 14 week wait by mail, or a trip back home to do it in one depressing afternoon, going to three government offices with long waits at each.

It was an expensive unplanned "vacation"!

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