Hi all - not sure whether to post this in the Jobs section or here, but here it goes:
I have been looking to change jobs for a while now and a recruter has contacted me about a job in Guernsey, but I have no idea whether or not I am eligible to work there. I have been in the UK almost 3 years now and I've got a Spousal Visa (FLR - expires in March 2007). How would this affect my Visa status? I believe the company would get me a "housing license", which from what I could tell would give my family to right to live in Guernsey. I've checked out the official gov't website but there is sooo much information to muddle through I am having trouble finding answers.
To further complicate matters, I need to know how this will impact my Mother-In-Law. My MIL is disabled and on the higest mobility rate for her pension, whilst my wife acts as her carer (for which she gets a pittance from the UK gov't). How would moving to Guensey affect them both? As my MIL has several health problems, will she be able to get healthcare - do they have an NHS type of system???
Any advice is greatly apreciated. This job sounds like a great opportunity but I need to know if it's possible before I get my hopes up.