How odd - just in from my run and saw your post.
Since you guys are in the UK I found the Runner's World site and link for beginners.'m sure if you had a look around the site there might be a schedule that fits your needs. I find running very personal and what works for one may not work for another.
I think the reason is that I just have never found a rhythm and so I start way too fast, and then can't maintain the momentum. I need to find a programme that I can follow and not feel overwhelmed by it. I need to do this for my daughter.
First off - I think this is SO sweet to do this for your daughter. My parents got me into running when I was 8. I ran my first 10K and loved it ever since. Some of my favorite memories are running with them and even now my mother and I still do 5K-8K runs together.
A short warm-up before you start and some light stretching will help get the blood flowing to your muscles. The warm-up could be a brisk walk. When you begin to run, start off from a brisk walk - that might help you slow down. On an easy run, you should be able to comfortably carry on a conversation. If you can't, slow down some more. When I run alone with my iPod and without my heart rate monitor - I sing...yes people think I'm crazy, but it helps me monitor my level.
i've been trying to take up running because I would like to drop about 20 or 30 pounds. I'm 5'8 and I am at my heaviest that i have ever been at 207 lbs. I have always hated running but I know it's the best way to lose the weight. My problem is after about 10 minutes, the sides of my feet start to hurt. I've never found a running shoe that is comfortable and I just can't get the motivation.
I believe running is 80% mental and 20% physical. I only say this because when I run marathons, I know after 20 miles the last 6.2 my brain is running NOT my legs! The first 10 minutes are always the worst part of all of my runs. After the first 10 minutes, just tell yourself 10 more. When my motivation is down, I go for a run that is a certain number of minutes/miles out and then back - so I have to run. I find if I run in a circle, around a track or a park, it's too easy to bail out. Now, if you are having pain, serious pain - there is another issue. Have you ever been fitted for running shoes? I'd go to a running specific store and tell them what happens to your feet. I saw in another post you will be returning to the US shortly - I reccommend Fleet Feet. It's a national chain and they are staffed by runners. I've had really great experiences there. They never make you feel you have to buy the most expensive shoe and let you try on many different styles and allow you to run down the block to get a feel.
I also have a fear of running in public. When I was in high school I was jogging down the road to lose weight for wrestling, and these dudes slowed down beside me in a pickup truck and started yelling..."GET MOVING FAT A$$!!!" to this day, whenever I run, I feel like people are making fun of me. It was very traumatizing.
This is horrible! Easy for them as the DROVE by! I'm sure this has left scars, but if you truly want to run outside then you need to put it out of your mind. 80%mental right
You want to run to lose weight, so when you are out there on the road think about that. Think that you have taken control of your fitness and are out there doing that to improve your health. Positive thinking...You are doing this for you - who care what anyone else thinks! Right!? And anyone who does think of harassing you is just a big ass!
Good luck to you both and if you need motivation don't hesitate to ask! I'm full of it...motivation that is.