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Topic: Visa Applications Hard or Easy  (Read 2145 times)

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Re: Visa Applications Hard or Easy
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2006, 06:17:00 PM »
How long dd it take to get the visa afteer your application? 

We did it through the mail.  It was all done & dusted within two weeks...

Meaning I had my visa within two weeks of applying. :)
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Re: Visa Applications Hard or Easy
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2006, 12:45:36 PM »
I was so nervous about being denied, even though we knew we probably wouldn't, that I studied the applicaton, and the wonderful lists others provided on here for evidence.  So in the end, dh knew more about the visa process than we ever needed to know.  Since I was in school at the time, he did most of the information gathering about the visa process.  As I finished my classes, we both fretted, and studied the application intently.   We probably didn't need to, but we are both the paranoid type and this helped us feel better!  :) 

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Re: Visa Applications Hard or Easy
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2006, 05:17:17 PM »
I've heard you can ask for a specific date on the fiance' visa (not sure how that works), but after the fact!

I think to ask for a specific date you can put your request in your cover letter (if you're mailing your documents in and not going in person.)  This is what I plan on doing, because I already have my plane tickets!
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Re: Visa Applications Hard or Easy
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2006, 05:23:23 PM »
I had my visa post dated to the day I was to land in England. But I did apply in person. I think andrea had a good idea about the cover letter if sending application by post.
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Re: Visa Applications Hard or Easy
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2006, 05:44:58 PM »
It was all really easy for me. I got my fiancee visa in person, which made it a lot less stressful. I would suggest anyone to do it in person. You get your visa in an hour rather than waiting for it to come in the mail. I had all my papers, but I had to refill some of the application out since I didn't print all of the pages out. That's ok though, she let me fill it out while she got all my paperwork in order. My FLR was by far the easiest. Since I came on a fiancee visa all we needed to do was prove we were married, as far as I can remember. I got that in an hour. I'm going to get my IRL in person too. I can't handle waiting around with no answer.

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Re: Visa Applications Hard or Easy
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2006, 05:47:50 PM »
Also, make sure you read the website that tells you what you need. For the fiancee visa it states that you need proof that you have a relationship and gives you examples! Keep all emails, letters, cards, photos phone bills, etc. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to call the embassy, I called them about 10 times.

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Re: Visa Applications Hard or Easy
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2006, 05:51:56 PM »
It was all really easy for me. I got my fiancee visa in person, which made it a lot less stressful. I would suggest anyone to do it in person.

I really wish I could do my visa app in person...well, I technically *could*, but that would mean a $350 flight to Los Angeles from Houston!  So instead, I'll just wait two weeks- much cheaper :)  But yeah, you people who live relatively close to the consulates are lucky!
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Re: Visa Applications Hard or Easy
« Reply #22 on: July 23, 2006, 09:35:55 PM »
When I applied for my student visa last year, it was so easy, I couldn't believe it. I had a whole binder full of documents proving I was legitimately accepted (as well as documents proving that I had been an exchange student as an undergrad there previously, in case they questioned the 6-month VWP stay in my passport), financial support, the works.

All they asked was to see my acceptance letter, and I was through.

But, as I mentioned in another thread, it probably all depends on who you get and whether they've had their coffee that morning. The girl behind me was nearly in tears because the officer was giving her a hard time since her Stafford Loans were still in the process of being approved (but mine were too, and they didn't even ask me about finances!). I also went to the consulate in NY, and while we made a daytrip of it with my mother and a family friend, the whole process took under a few hours. I couldn't believe how painless it was. Given the other girl's experience, though, it might be a total c**pshoot.  :-\\\\

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Re: Visa Applications Hard or Easy
« Reply #23 on: July 24, 2006, 01:17:48 AM »
See, I went to the NY consulate (also as a day trip with the family) and they DID ask for proof of finances.  However, I had mine & my parent's bank statements, plus a letter of support from them, and they were fine with that.  I didn't really get grilled, even though I was coming off a BUNAC stamp in my passport, which probably looked a little funny.  They simply asked the routine questions, verified the date I needed the clearance for, and voilĂ !  Come back at blank time and pick up your passport.  Easy-peasy.
BUNAC: 9/2004 - 12/2004. Student visa: 1/2005 - 7/2005. Student visa #2: 9/2006 - 1/2008. FLR(IGS): 1/2008 - 10/2008. FLR(M): 10/2008 - 10/2010. ILR 10/2010!!

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Re: Visa Applications Hard or Easy
« Reply #24 on: July 24, 2006, 01:47:35 AM »
See, I went to the NY consulate (also as a day trip with the family) and they DID ask for proof of finances.  However, I had mine & my parent's bank statements, plus a letter of support from them, and they were fine with that. 

I had all that too, and they never asked to see it! All that stress for nothing. Heh, maybe the girl who approved me was new. . .

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