A lot of reasons really.
One, as life experience. I have always wanted to travel and have done so over here in the U.S. , so I figured I would give Europe a shot being that my financial situation allows that opportunity.
Also, 99 percent of my relatives live in England, and living in the states has hampered me from knowing them closely. So that's a huge bonus.
I've also been a electronic musician and DJ here in the states for many years, and while I have met with success, England and the rest of Europe allows me to open up more as that style of music is infinitely more accepted over there.
And it just feels right. I was born and raised by and woman who lived most of her life over there. So, even though I live my life here in the US, England just feels comfortable to me 'cause that's what I know. The funniest part of this site made that ring true also. I was reading through "LIST: Things about The UK you wish you had known" in the moving forum ,and half the stuff people mentioned: Slang, Lifestyle, etc......... that stuff wasn't that weird for me, I thought it was quite normal.
Like I said, there are a lot or reasons I could give to why I want to move over. But to keep it simple and honest ....... I just DO. I know that's a weird and unsatisfying answer, but it's the truth.