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Topic: My "What should I do in London?" thread  (Read 4778 times)

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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2006, 11:07:37 PM »
My goodness, you guys! I really appreciate all these great ideas you've thrown out. I knew ya'll would be helpful.

I do want to do touristy things as well as "off the beaten track" activities - so wandering around some sounds like something I'd like to do.

As far as photography goes - I am into most everything and tend to just document whatever I come across and strikes my fancy.

Speaking of guide books, a friend is sending me his copy of Lonely Planet's guide to Britain. So hopefully that, along with suggestions I get here, will help me taylor my trip to my own tastes. But everything you guys have said sounds really great. I don't read as much as I should but I am into literature, history, art and just normal every day things, so I'm sure there will no shortage of things which I will find interesting. I saw this Charles Dickens tour, which looks cool as well.

I actually had a friend this week tell me that it would be so boring for me to be in London by myself - I had to explain, "Nah, I really like me so I'll have a good time."

I'm already excited enough as it is and everything I've been told in this post just makes me all the more excited.

If you wanna go on a tour...i've heard the jack the ripper one is good. i've never been on it but it could be...

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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2006, 11:20:24 PM »
If you wanna go on a tour...i've heard the jack the ripper one is good. i've never been on it but it could be...

I've been on that tour twice, make sure you go on the Orginial London walks one, with Donald Rumbelow.  He wrote the book, really.

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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2006, 03:03:41 AM »
Are you considering purchasing the London Pass? 
We did the 5-day pass on our first visit and fit in enough activities that it was worth buying it. 
Avoid the transport add-on. 

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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2006, 09:41:35 AM »
Are you considering purchasing the London Pass? 
We did the 5-day pass on our first visit and fit in enough activities that it was worth buying it. 
Avoid the transport add-on. 

We bought a 7 day London Pass last May but with travel and found all of it very useful.

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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2006, 07:23:23 PM »
I actually had a friend this week tell me that it would be so boring for me to be in London by myself - I had to explain, "Nah, I really like me so I'll have a good time."

Amanda, what a great attitude! You really do have to like your own company to travel alone and have a good time whatever you get up to!

I hope you suggest a meet up evening with other UKYs!! Unfortunately, I will be flying to the states on the 18th.  :-\\\\

This is what I suggest... go to your local library or bookshop and camp out in the England/Britian/UK section and just read through and find your own copy of the most current guidebook. It will serve as a lifeline and one of the best momentos of your trip when you are catching up with your journal or trying to remember the name of that market you went to. Then you can put it on your bookshelf and throughout the year it will inspire you to want to add to the library of guidebooks!!! I write in mine- checks and underlines of the places I went, star, scribbles, bus notes whatever! Anyhow, it does pay to sit and read the difference between a Lonely Planet, Rick Steves, Let's Go, Fodor's and Frommer's. Each has it's own voice and once you start reading it you will figure out which one you want to be your buddy. I'm a LP fan but will look at other guides if they are more up to date or have the info I want. Don't be afraid of sitting there for hours or making multiple visits before you commit to one book.  It will be one of your best investments.

Okay... so you've got yourself a spanking new passport and one entry stamp... oh c'mon and dream a little!!! One of the best things about London is that it is just 3 hours to Paris but Eurostar via the Chunnel!! You could definitely sneak in 2-3 days in that week and another stamp in your passport.

I will admit I am not an Anglophile and the most nights I ever spent in Central London before moving here was two... so yes there is a lot to do here but you still don't want to burn out on museums and seven nights in one hostel can be a bit much especially if it turns out to be not well represented on the website. Wait until mid-end of October before booking stuff... it's off season so a couple of weeks should be sufficient.

London is also a great jumping off place for taking trips... how about Cardiff, Wales for a night or two via National Express coach... great deals within a low budget.

Or if you want to see a theatre show there are loads of websites that can get you super cheap tickets... many theatres are very small so even a cruddy seat is still half decent and the experience of seeing a West End show is a very cool way to spend an evening.

I also recommend trying a sightseeing tour. It is a great way to see a city overland. I usually ride the entire loop and remember what I want to go back and see later. It's even better if the weather is sucky because they you don't have to do all the traipsing!! Check them all out and see which you prefer. I did one that included the Thames cruise.




I can chat about independent travel on the cheap for hours so if you want any help feel free to ask me! That is one of the best things you will like when you start mingling with other backpackers... people who have been there and done that get a twinkle in their eyes when sharing experiences.

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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2006, 08:12:52 PM »
re: guidebooks- I'm a Rough Guides fan, myself.  I just bought the new edition of The Rough Guide to England and I love it!  I've also used Let's Go, which was fairly decent as well, but I still prefer the RGs.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2006, 08:14:24 PM by Andrea. »
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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2006, 08:38:25 PM »
No one's mentioned St Paul's yet!  It's one of my favourite places in the city.  I also love Covent Garden, even with all the tourists. 

The Portrait Gallery is lovely too.  A quiet museum compared to the rest. 

And Portobello Road market.  Start at the top and work your way down... fab antiques.
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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2006, 08:46:54 PM »
re: guidebooks- I'm a Rough Guides fan, myself.  I just bought the new edition of The Rough Guide to England and I love it!  I've also used Let's Go, which was fairly decent as well, but I still prefer the RGs.

Rough Guides also make new "mini" Rough Guides to London (and Paris  ;D)

RG is my second best (I just bought the mini Paris and had a RG Kenya when I lived there) but I really really like the set up of LP better... particularly the Getting There and Away notes after each location.

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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2006, 08:48:24 PM »
now that Kristi's jogged my memory...if you can, go to evensong in St. Paul's one afternoon.  It's amazingly beautiful music, and you can't beat the atmosphere.
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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2006, 08:55:33 PM »
St. Martin the the Fields next to the National Portrait Gallery next to Trafalgar Square does small concerts too. Lunchtime concerts during the week by donation.


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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2006, 09:55:08 PM »
Good granny! I'm beginning to wish I'd planned to be in the UK longer.

Such good suggestions, everyone.

The concerts at St.Martin the Fields look amazing  :o

I hadn't thought of a London pass because, well, I didn't know it existed.

I'll definitely sniff around here to see if any UK-Y people are free while I'm over (I think Alicia's already made a kind offer of that sort anyway :))

Paris, eh? That's a very tempting idea. And, giving my hesitation to book the same hostel for seven nights, I do think waiting awhile would be a good idea - especially as it will give me more time to come up with a better idea of how many nights I'll be in London and if I want to be based out of the same area for the entire time.

I'll take a look at the Lonely Planet guide when my friend sends it (from Australia) but will give the other guide books a chance, too. I've been into Rick Steves for years have considered buying some of the items from his travel store.

I'm going to be printing out all these suggestions so I can get all the information together and plan this thing. So, if you guys think of anything else you'd like to add, keep 'em coming!

Did I mention I'm excited  ;D

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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2006, 10:03:51 PM »
yeah uky get together!! you can come over to mine for some home cooked veg food!

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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2006, 08:21:21 AM »
I've traveled/stayed in many hostels, and I never book them in advance unless someone refs them to me. I've had bad experiences booking with out looking...unknowingly in the wrong part of town, too far away from where I want to visit, dirty room/bathrooms, bad staff, etc etc.

I stayed in one hostel in London that I likes...it was somewhere near London bridge. The only problem was I was on the 5th floor, there was no lift, and I was there for three nights before I went to Manchester for six months, so I had tons of luggage.... I dont remember the name, maybe St. Christophers?!??! I'll look in my old files and see if I have it. www.statravel.com and www.hostelworld.com are great for booking.

Also, bring a guide book that has some listed. If all else fails, you can alway go to an internet cafe once you are there and look up something. (Or print out info of ones you like before you go!)
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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2006, 08:27:26 AM »
I've stayed at 2 hostels in London - one was about 2 minutes from St. Paul's and the other was directly across the street from the British Library. They were both clean and decently priced...although I thought the first one was safer than the second.  Feel free to PM if you want more info.

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Re: My "What should I do in London?" thread
« Reply #29 on: August 22, 2006, 11:11:12 AM »
If you look at www.tfl.gov.uk there are loads of things that you can do in London for half price if you have an Oyster card.


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