I have suffered from pretty extreme anxiety as a result of two cases of post-natal depression. I've had panic attacks so severe I've fainted, run out into an urban street in my night clothes at 3AM, sat down on a pavement w/my head between my knees, etc. In fact, even now, just waiting for my increased dose of Lustral to kick in, which it appears to be doing, it's a day by day struggle w/panic attacks.
I have ZERO sympathy for this gal.
No one puts a gun to your head and forces you to fly coach transatlantically.
Got anxiety and panic attacks? Don't fly long-haul. Need to for a funeral or business? See your doctor and get some meds. Tell the staff as you board.
I can only imagine how frightened those other passengers must have been, maybe it triggered a panic attack for some. Perhaps others were en route to see a sick relative and were delayed b/c of this.
Anyone thought of them?