No, you will often get a call from the bank saying they've spotted some unusual activity on the account. They have a system which checks for unusual spending patterns, you usually have to confirm if the transactions are genuine or not, but that's it. You might have to sign a declaration which they send through the post, but that's all. These are different from a case where you spot an unusual transaction on your statement and call them up about it, which can result in a bit of haggling.
Just to let you know, this hagging when you do phone them up is usually for a good reason. When customers used to phone us up with unrecognised transactions, more than half of them, at least, became recognised transactions after a few questions were asked, or some more information was given. You'd be surprised the number of people who forget they've bought something, or the name of the store, or the fact that their wife also has a credit card on the same account etc.