Thank you for your support. This last week has been very much a blur. The treatment keeps me pretty baffled as is. without pouring fuel on the fire. The situation has calmed somewhat and communication is open. She has had an order brought forward that says basically that if I lose it in any way she can have me removed from the house. I am surprised, she seems to want to move forward. I do have a temper and have tried for years to tame the monster. Anger management classes, some trouble with the law in the states and a bit of faith has helped. I have, to date, never hit another human in anger. But I can be one mean viscous SOB. I recognise this and have tried a few times to get help of some sort but it always dead ends for the need to pay bucks for such services. Each time, three now, that this happens, I see at first that there is just as much blame on her part as there is on me. But after a few days to think I understand that she has reacted out of total fear. She mentioned today that our ex GP had called and that my records are on there way ASAP to the new GP and her words were "maybe now we can get you some help with your temper problem. It is hard for me to understand, seeing how I have come to be in control most of the time. Compared to the jerk I used to be I would think everyone would find me to be quite pleasant. It is that 5% of the ugly man that comes to surface that everyone judges you on. I hate it myself, and pray for some magic to give me 100% control. It seems the culture here has no room for any type of aggression and no need for a man with any balls. I half spent my life with a gun in my hand. With the military moulding a hippie, musician into a cold blooded killer and working construction in a very red neck Texas environment, where the men would rather fight than F---k, and because of my talents ending my younger days in private services, body guard type work. Well, you can see it took a lot of counselling to become this quite mannered peaceful old man. But it must still show more than I know for I have been told more than once, since I have been here, that I am an arrogant a**hole. Well, Excuuuuse me.
I have an appointment to see a social worker next week and they will be able to put things in order for me. I am not sure at this moment if I want to go on here or not. But this will help me see all my options. I am way too confused and disoriented with the drugs to make any big decisions but I will have things in place no matter what my choices be.
I now have time and contacts to keep my head above water, so all is well for the time being. Thank you for taking the time to care. It can be a lonely world when you are too ill to function and no where to turn. God bless you and yours.
ps. Tomorrow is jab day and have made arraingments to get this months injections from the hospital. Then I should be transferred to closer services. I was surprised at the help that is available if you know where to look.