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Topic: Web Cam / Video Conferencing??  (Read 1155 times)

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Web Cam / Video Conferencing??
« on: July 29, 2006, 08:47:03 PM »
We're getting ready to move to the UK and want to set up some type of 2-way web cam situation so that grandma can stay close to our kids.  So a web cam on our end in the UK and on hers in the US.  Any suggestions? 

I really don't know where to start.  We have a computer and will have a broadband connection.  I thik some people use web sites, others just a direct computer connection, don't know much more about this.  I'd like to set up my mom's side of things before we go, but this would be before we were set up in the UK, so what would I need to know?

Am looking for successes, failures, configurations for US & UK, technology, approximate cost, etc.  Many thanks in advance!

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Re: Web Cam / Video Conferencing??
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2006, 10:18:42 PM »

This is a relatively common requirement for many people around the world - to keep in touch with loved ones, family and friends no matter where they are. Good news is it's also quite straightforward to setup !

There's a number of high profile and well known computer programs to do what you require and best of all they're free! Hardware wise, webcams and microphones are available from a few pounds up to about £80 for the very best models - most will fall around the £15-35 bracket - so not exactly bank breaking.

As you already have a PC and a Broadband connection, there's nothing more that you need.

The freeby and used by millions of people already solutions are
1. MSN Messenger
2. Skype
3. Yahoo Messenger

There are others out there, but I'd suggest you give these a go first - they're well established, stable programs.

Technical wise - You pop the Webcam/headset connectors into your PC (usually USB ports) install software in order for the PC to 'recognise' the device(s) and when you launch the communication program make some configuration/setup changes and you're all ready to go. Ensure the other party is online ( a quick call to Grandma to tell her to be online!) call them, connect and bobs yer uncle!

There's no real US to UK configurations to worry about, failures would usually be down to your internet connection quality at the time of call, there's millions of success's and costing as above!

I'd also suggest checking out some consumer friendly Computer web forums to get specifics - which camera to buy, specific setup problems/issues or requirements - I'd venture that problems would be quite easy to sort out in this respect.

Hope this helps!

Cheers! Dennis! West London & Slough UK!!

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Re: Web Cam / Video Conferencing??
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2006, 09:53:23 PM »
My family uses Skype here in the States and many of us have webcams.  It's very easy to download and then connect a webcam and then you can call any other computer that has Skype for free.  Sometimes they will also do weekends where you can call landlines in other countries for free from your computer.  I think the normal charge for these calls is pretty cheap, but I'd have to check that.  We love ours and plan on using it to keep in touch and let the grandparents see the kids so maybe they won't complain so much about us being so far away!   :)

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Re: Web Cam / Video Conferencing??
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2006, 02:16:44 AM »
What web cam are you using for SKYPE and do you like it?  Are you using a headset or just the speakers?  I've read that the headsets help eliminate the echo.  I'd like to get my family set up with a good web cam system before we head over the pond.  We've had such a good experience with SKYPE so far...you can't beat it when it's free! 

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Re: Web Cam / Video Conferencing??
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2006, 01:43:15 AM »
my whole family's getting into skype & webcam which is great... i have a headset I use with skype but wanted to now get a webcam...

do i get what i pay for?  i look on amazon.co.uk and there's such a variation in price... is there someway to sort through all the different models?  what am i looking for?  pixels etc?

suggestions welcome... thanks.
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