Hi... I can only speak of my own extremely biased experience, and I was in Texas.
Basically, I was seeking individual coverage because it was going to cost $600 to add me and 2 kids to my husband's employer's plan, and then a $1500 deductible on top of that. I could not find any maternity coverage whatsoever on an individual plan. I found a basic plan that was $200 per month for me & my kids, with a $2000 deductible, which allowed 3 office visits ($40 each) that were not subject to the deductible. When I got pg I was added to DH's plan; it was $600 per month plus $30 copay for each appt., and when the baby came there was a $1500 deductible for me, plus a $1500 deductible for baby, then they would pay 80 % with a $1000 out of pocket limit (for each person) which was met by both me and baby! When I added it all up including the premiums it turned out to be about 10 or 12k. Anyway, that was a big chunk of our income and it was not easy to pay for all that up front. I just thought it was scandalous that all that was with insurance.
Ummmm, I dunno but if you have NHS now, maybe you should just get pg now and postpone your move 6 months or so. I had a baby on NHS, and privately through the above scenario– a C section both times, and interestingly enough in my NHS experience they seemed much more cautious about my health. Just my experience.
It really is a crisis