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Topic: Need a little help  (Read 1076 times)

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Need a little help
« on: December 16, 2006, 05:16:39 PM »
I've got a job ahead of me, moving eight birds and two dogs to the UK. I'm up to my neck in research, just trying to get a grip on everything that has to be done. I really need to go ahead with getting the dogs started by doing the microchipping and rabies vaccine but am having trouble finding the proper forms that my vet will need to complete. I know some vets have them in their office but I would feel much better if I found them and printed them myself so I would know for sure that they're the correct ones. Does anyone know where I can download the proper forms?

One more question: What kind of fees should I expect to pay once we finally land in Gatwick? I've already looked into the cost of shipping them all (let's not even go there...) but have no clue what to expect once we get to the airport.

Thanks for any input!

Re: Need a little help
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2006, 08:51:53 AM »
Your airline should tell you what fees to expect on both ends...at least Virgin Atlantic did for me when I flew in with 1 cat into Heathrow about 18 months ago. 

As for forms, the Vet will have the USDA one that needs to be filled out down the road.

The form for submission with blood for the Rabies Titer test can be found on this page http://www.vet.ksu.edu/depts/dmp/service/rabies/favntest.htm

The Veterinary Certificate is this form http://ec.europa.eu/food/animal/liveanimals/pets/sanco10767r4_en.pdf

Tick and tapeworm form http://www.aphis.usda.gov/NCIE/iregs/animals/UK%20Pet%20Travel%20Scheme%20_Ticks%20and%20Tapeworms_041604.pdf

Good luck with everything!

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