That's a good thought. I have often wondered too why they close the motorways. I used to live in the Twin Cities and never had to sit completely still even in rush hour traffic.
Maybe traffic in the Twin Cities is relatively good? Have you ever driven around Washington DC or Los Angeles? I used to live around the former and sitting in traffic for hours was a daily occurrence on the beltway!
We were meeting a friend in Tysons Corner, VA and she was in Falls Church, VA, all of about 3 miles. It was close to 5:00. She gave herself 1 hour to do the journey, it took 2 hours. This was a pretty normal,daily thing.
I was thinking that maybe part of the problem, especially with motorway traffic in and around London is that there is such a density of population in the South East and even minor incidents can have such a knock on effect. I occassionally did the drive from the M40/M25 to Harrow which is a maximum of 15 miles and it was 1.5 hours even on a good rush hour day. Fortunately the vast majority of time I could take the train.
I also got stuck in traffic on the M40 heading towards Birmingham and a lorry jack-knife and spilled diesel everywhere so they had to clsoe it all day and resurface it.