Oh dear lord you have hit the sorest spot I have with anything...much less over here.
About 6 months before I moved here in 2003, I had my routine smear which I get yearly. It was ALWAYS normal based on normal procedure. That visit, my doctor said I could pay extra for a colposcopy. I asked why and why extra. They said it was more accurate than just a smear and currently insurance companies weren't paying for it. I always agree on extra and for $50.00, I thought it was a bargain since I am convinced I'll die without ever having kids.
Anyway, she did the colposcopy and found abnormal cells. She said there was nothing to worry about but to come back in 6 months just before I left to recheck it. Of course, I had a panic and did major research on the subject. I saw it was common but still I worried.
I went back 2 weeks before I left and she said it had grown slightly and to come back in 3 months. I reiterated that I was moving and she said to phone when I got to Ireland so they could send my documents to the new doctor so I could get the LEEP done.
I got here and it took almost a year to even have anyone look at me. They all kept saying since I wasn't entitled to the NHS I couldn't be looked at. They all also said that they would do a smear first and if that was abnormal THEN they would do the colposcopy. Well, even with my OBGYN in the US, my smears were normal but the cells were there so it was going to be difficult.
I started panicing so I signed up for BUPA and paid a few hundred dollars so I could go to someone, anyone here to look at the situation. I found the best doctor who on the first visit did a smear AND a colposcopy. He said I did in fact have abnormal cells and I needed LEEP. He made my appointment for 2 weeks later and I had it done. He told me unless anything major happened with healing, to come back and be seen in 6 months then once a year for 3 years to make sure things were ok. I was completely happy with this. HOWEVER..............
In 6 months, I would be in NY because my visa expired and I had to stay there for a few months. I came back and thought (because they told me so) that BUPA would cover me. Nope, prexisting condition. I was almost back to square one. I had to go back to the original GP who wouldn't listen and they still didn't. It took me until last year to get a doctor to see me. All they would do was give me a smear. Of course, it came back normal. I tried to contact the doctor in Belfast that did the procedure and because the original jerk GP kept telling him they would see me, he said it was easier if I just went to my local GP. Part of that was that my LEEP was done so long ago that I don't think they realised I was never followed up on.
Now I am convinced I have cancer and the like as my period is longer and really painful. I have a new GP but none of them listen and say things like "This isnt the US. We do things differently here. If you get a normal smear, you don't need a colposcopy." They don't understand that I DO need one based on an operative procedure.
I am thinking of family planning now because maybe I can get a woman who will empathise. I just don't know what to do anymore. I can't afford care in NY and no one listens here.