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Topic: Considering moving to UK-- Need help with knowing Cost of Living/Salaries  (Read 1401 times)

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I'm sure you guys have been asked this kind of question a million times here, so I apologize in advance if there are 50 threads on this topic.

I'm an Old Catholic (think Anglican-- we're in communion) priest.  I may have the opportunity of coming to serve in a CofE parish in a village in the Yorkshire area.  Personally, I think I would love the experience of serving in a church there, but I have no idea of where to start determining if the salary/compensation would be sufficient to care for my family, existing financial obligations, etc. 

Does anyone have any idea how the cost of living compares (I know if varies from area to area)? 

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Hi there,

Yorkshire is one of the cheaper parts of the UK, especially regarding housing.

There's some good info in these threads on cost of living and salaries that might help you:


Good luck with your plans.

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Hi .

I live in the City of York. However, my husband and I have no children, and we live in a rented flat, so our expenses will be much different from yours. However, these are our approximate expenses:

rent: approximately £400 a month for a 2-bedroom flat
council tax: £78 a month
groceries: approx £200 - £300 a month
TV license: £11 a month
Water: approx £280 a year
Electricity: approx £100 a quarter
Gas: ranges from £70 to £190 a quarter (we have gas heat so varies seasonally)

Cost of housing will depend on where in Yorkshire you live. There are houses in my area that are on the market for £400,000+.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2007, 12:33:55 PM by sweetpeach »

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He will probably get housing via the church if I'm not mistaken, or at least help towards the cost of it?

But yes, Yorkshire is less expensive than many other parts of the UK. No idea what your salary is going to be though I understand it isn't very high (below the UK average salary).

I think it will, to a large degree, depend upon what sort of financial obligations you will still have at home as well as how many children you need to support.

Good luck!
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We are a relatively frugal family, and until DH gets a pay rise we are living in the Manchester area and accomplishing our goals on a salary of 30k. People survive on more, and on less. It depends on lots of things, especially your housing situation, spending habits and general lifestyle.

Some people say things like.... it can't be done for less than £xxx without knowing all the variables. Take those comments with a grain of salt. However if you can give a general idea of your lifestyle, housing expectations and expected salary it would be a bit easier to say if it can be done.

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Hi .

I live in the City of York. However, my husband and I have no children, and we live in a rented flat, so our expenses will be much different from yours. However, these are our approximate expenses:

rent: approximately £400 a month for a 2-bedroom flat Cheap
council tax: £78 a month
groceries: approx £200 - £300 a month High
TV license: £11 a month Very cheap
Water: approx £280 a year
Electricity: approx £100 a quarter very cheap
Gas: ranges from £70 to £190 a quarter (we have gas heat so varies seasonally) Very cheap

Cost of housing will depend on where in Yorkshire you live. There are houses in my area that are on the market for £400,000+. High

I've noted that some of your expenses are low in comparison to the US (Mountain States)

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