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Topic: University of Manchester VS MMU  (Read 2215 times)

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University of Manchester VS MMU
« on: May 24, 2007, 05:57:30 PM »
Ok so I haven't posted in awhile I have had alot going on. To make a long story short. I originally wanted to go to University of Manchester. I was interested in the MSc International Fashion Retailing (est cost $24K). I applied in February knowing it is a competitive program but i feel that I would be a good fit for the course. I was not accepted so I applied to the Westminster as a fall back. After my interview I knew I would not be a good fit for the program and I wasn't even sure I liked the school.

I thought well there are alot of things i need to accomplish before I  go to school and I need to save some money. I do not want any more private loans. I have loans I am trying to pay from my undergrad and I feel anxiety and like I am drowning from the private ones. I then discovered the MSc International Fashion Marketing program at MMU (est cost 20K). I assumed I would go next year and I made a goal of saving for school and getting some personal things done.

About 3 weeks ago I emailed University of Manchester to see if they could tell me what I needed to do to be more competitive for next yrs application.  Yesterday I got a response saying that when the course leader looked at my application they saw I checked on the 3 for the GPA question. I had a 3.40 but there wasn't an option just 3 or 4 so I thought less then  a 3.5 is closer to 3.  Upon further assessment they wanted to offer me an unconditional offer. WTF??? Now if I go there are only like 3 months to get all my crap together. What about MMU?? It cost less.  if i learned anything from undergrad a job is not guaranteed when you graduate and fashion doesn't pay that much.... ughhh

any one have any thoughts? what do people know about MMU. I have not found alot of reviews of their Intl, Fashion Marketing course.

sorry this is so long but I'm really overwhelmed right now.

Re: University of Manchester VS MMU
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2007, 06:06:33 PM »
I don't have any advice specifically about those schools, but I will say that if you think that U of Manchester is a good fit for you, who cares if it costs $4K more. I'm going on loans as well, so I'm fully aware of the financial impact of program costs, but I honestly am willing to pay for something that I know I will value more. If you don't really know much about MMU's program, I would just go to Uni of Manchester. It's better to pay a little more for something you already know you want than to pay less and end up in a program that's much less than what you had envisioned. Also, if U of Manchester is that competitive, it's probably a course worth taking that will have greater value to someone in the industry later on. To me, paying a little more for this boost into the work force is definitely worth it.

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Re: University of Manchester VS MMU
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2007, 06:06:59 PM »
I'm at MMU for library school and it's been fine.  It's my experience that quality is really going to vary widely by department- for example, they're not too strong in the traditional sciences or humanities (with the notable exception of a great Creative Writing program) but their Art and Design school is excellent.  I think their programs in fashion are highly rated as well, which no doubt comes from the university's history as an ex-polytechnic.

The University of Manchester is an all around very good university- obviously I don't know the specifics of their fashion program, but I don't think you can go wrong with them.  They are of course bigger than MMU though so they'll have more resources with regards to library materials, student support, international student advice and careers info.  (Although if you end up going to MMU, I can give you my personal experiences with student loans, etc.)

In short, I think go with your gut.  If you want to go to uni over here this coming year and you're willing to pay the extra $4K, I'd accept Manchester's offer (universities raise their tuition every year anyway so it's likely that waiting another year for MMU  would almost eliminate the price advantage anyway.)
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Re: University of Manchester VS MMU
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2007, 06:10:28 PM »
In short, I think go with your gut.  If you want to go to uni over here this coming year and you're willing to pay the extra $4K, I'd accept Manchester's offer (universities raise their tuition every year anyway so it's likely that waiting another year for MMU  would almost eliminate the price advantage anyway.)

I thought you said you were at MMU, but I couldn't remember.

You definitely have an excellent point. Waiting another year for MMU will probably erase the cost difference in the end anyway, plus having to go through the whole admissions process again, etc.

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Re: University of Manchester VS MMU
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2007, 06:28:11 PM »
Would I be silly to apply to MMU now and see what happens? If I don't get in go to first school I applied to?

Re: University of Manchester VS MMU
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2007, 06:35:02 PM »
If there's still time to apply to be accepted by this fall, I don't think there's any harm in applying. Andrea would probably answer that better though :D

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Re: University of Manchester VS MMU
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2007, 07:30:04 PM »
I went to MMU studies humanities, which i found excellent and did my teacher training with them at their Didsbury campus. It comes down to ., if you really have your heart set on Manchester University theni would go there, especially as you have an unconditional offer now. Who knows how things will turn out with MMU in a years time.

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