I caught the repeat of this show on Thursday night, and thought it was very interesting.
As to what is the difference between a 'cult' and a 'religion'...well....
1) Religions are open about their beliefs, and do not leave everything a secret to all but the initiated
2) Religions don't make you hand over a percentage of your earnings as a condition of membership
3) Religions don't encourage or force you to isolate yourself from all but other members of that religion, including family
4) Religions do not bad mouth those who have left their church or who criticise (most prey for non-believers!)
I was shocked at the behaviour of the Scientologists in this programme. They obvously followed the reporter, sought to undermine sources by raking up past midemeanours, and were absolutely incapable of indulging in rational debate with the journalist. I am sure that he came into the programme with an open mind, but he had no opportunity to hear the Scientologist point of view as their official reps refused to answer any pertinent question.
I hadn't realised that they are not recognised as a "church" in the UK, and are not a recognised charity either.
I'd love to know what they actually believe, but I guess I'll never know, as no one is willing to speak about it.