literally, nightmares.
I had the worst dream last night that C. and I were laying in bed and he calmly told me that the last time he slept with someone (besides me) was on my brother's birthday...which was three days ago. I, of course, started yelling, and he could not understand why it was a problem as she had been a virgin...and I screamed and screamed and threw my engagement ring at him and ran off. I expected him to follow, but he didn't, he calmly went back to sleep and I finished the dream crying in the basement (which we don't have).
Now, I know C would never cheat on me. But the dream left me sick to my stomach. More than the cheating, it was his lack of comprehension that it was wrong and that it upset me that, well, upset me and left me kind of shaky.
Did anyone else have dreams like this before their wedding? I'm a big believer that dreams are just dreams, but part of me thinks that the emotions must come form somewhere.
I think I just need a biscuit and a hug, and maybe a cup of tea...