I'm no tax expert, but you might qualify, depending on how much income you earned. Basically, you take your AGI and put it into form M and the math there reduces your amount if you're over a certain income (I think).
For those of us that that use 2555 or 2555-EZ, there are special instructions on Schedule M to include our excluded wages (since this is for the work we did abroad, thus making work pay!). I think, if you earned less than $75000, you get something, although I could be wrong. Basically though, we're not excluded just because we lived and worked abroad. However, you may find that once you do the math on Schedule M, you've made too much to qualify.
I must say, this is the only upside of having to file taxes whilst living abroad. I hadn't thought about this until I saw the OP. Good thing, I have had my tax return in my bookbag for a week, just waiting to get to the post office. Now I've redone them, and will get the full $400!