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Topic: How can we get the student board Bumpin?  (Read 7824 times)

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Re: How can we get the student board Bumpin?
« Reply #60 on: August 31, 2005, 12:14:11 AM »
they have hash in England?  To try it, I always thought I have to go to Amsterdam or something.   Speaking of: what is Britain's Legal stance on hash and marijuana?  how bout mushrooms?  I think I heard in Amsterdam they have shroom tea? 
The states as everyone knows has very hypocritical laws and enforcement when it comes to weed: it's legal to own it (a certain amount) but illegal to smoke it - or in certain parts of California it's legal for medical purposes, unless the Feds decide to say something about it.  Is the UK similar?

The laws are more lax here when it comes to hash. Just don't be selling it, and you're pretty safe. Don't ask ME how I know that.  ;)
Plans on hold 'cuz Brexit

Re: How can we get the student board Bumpin?
« Reply #61 on: August 31, 2005, 11:04:01 AM »
they have hash in England?  To try it, I always thought I have to go to Amsterdam or something.   Speaking of: what is Britain's Legal stance on hash and marijuana?  how bout mushrooms?  I think I heard in Amsterdam they have shroom tea? 
The states as everyone knows has very hypocritical laws and enforcement when it comes to weed: it's legal to own it (a certain amount) but illegal to smoke it - or in certain parts of California it's legal for medical purposes, unless the Feds decide to say something about it.  Is the UK similar?

You'd be hard pressed to find weed in some parts of the UK b/c it's all mostly hash sold in blocks.  They smoke it w/tobacco, though.  You either buy loose tobacco and burn the hash over it, then roll it into a cigarette, or get a regular cigarette, break it open, and burn the hash over the tobacco and then re-roll it into a spliff - a 'reefer'.  Or you put it into a bong w/tobacco.  Or into cakes.  My SIL is a hashhead and her partner is a dealer.  She calls it 'Mummy's herbs' and smokes morning, noon and night.  She gets weed - which she calls 'skunk' - from time to time, but only from 'down south' - England.

People just turn a blind eye to it here mostly.

I've seen people openly smoking spliffs - I can smell it - on the streets here in Edinburgh.  No one seems to bother.

Mushrooms are illegal to grow now from what I gather.  But that doesn't stop SIL and her cronies from cultivating them in park areas. 

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Re: How can we get the student board Bumpin?
« Reply #62 on: August 31, 2005, 09:46:57 PM »
fasinating, thank you.

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Re: How can we get the student board Bumpin?
« Reply #63 on: September 10, 2005, 05:37:19 PM »
isn't there a loop hole in some areas of London that allow the selling of mushrooms as long as they are fresh?  You can find mushrooms and such in shops in Camden Town . . . well, what CAN'T you find in Camden?!?

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