Hey, is there a genre of "guylit" as opposed to "men's lit"? Maybe that's just Nuts vs FHM?
Yep there is "lad lit!!" Tony Parsons, Nick Hornby, Mike Gayle, David Nicholls et al
I think the "chick lit" label first started popping up around the time the Bridget Jones Diary books became popular ... at least that's when I became aware of it but it seems to me whilst BJD was quite well written and very witty, "chick lit" has really come to mean those pulpy looking books with brightly coloured covers and large-ish type and not noted for any having any great literary merit. I have read a few but can't remember a whole lot about them ... that's the kind of book they are. In the 80s we used to call them "bonkbusters" - authors like Jackie Collins and Shirely Conran.
I wouldn't classify authors of denser work, like Jane Austen or Virginia Wolfe as "chick lit." I do like to read a lot of female authors, people like Margaret Forster and Nina Bawden, but again, I don't think they fall under the "chick lit" banner because there is usually a deeper, analytical, aspect to their books than the Bridget Jones type of story.