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Topic: Travel and Pets  (Read 785 times)

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Travel and Pets
« on: August 10, 2007, 01:52:22 AM »
When I move to the UK in a couple of years I plan to try to travel around the UK a lot but also to other parts of Western Europe, etc.  For those of you that brought your pets with you when you moved to the UK, I have two questions...

1. Have you found good kennels where you feel comfortable leaving your pets when you go on a weekend away, etc?

2. Is the UK itself in general pet friendly at all when it comes to travel?  I've not found threads that talk about pet-friendly places very much in general. 

Re: Travel and Pets
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2007, 06:36:35 AM »
I have found a good local kennel that i use for weekends away/ brief trips.

But for longer trips I use these guys -- my dog is very spoilt and likes his home comforts, so this has worked out well, cos at least he gets to stay indoors and get fussed over!


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Re: Travel and Pets
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2007, 08:47:52 AM »
If you're traveling around the UK, I think you'll find lots of self-catering places will accept dogs. You probably won't be as lucky with B&Bs or hotels.

There are a couple of websites out there that might help you:




As for kennels, if I were you I'd ask around. Find out who your neighbours and co-workers use and pay the kennel a surprise drop-in visit during their opening hours. I use a local cattery when I'm away for any length of time, and they're lovely! My boy gets very pampered!
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Re: Travel and Pets
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2007, 04:41:35 PM »
Great info you two!  I always look forward to your responses to posts...have read lots and lots on the forums and you're always providing really valuable feedback.  So thank you, helps knowing that it won't be as hard as I sometimes feel like it's going to be with all my pets. 

I foster dogs in my home although for rescue so that business seems incredible!  I've not heard of something similar in my area although we have tons of great kennels and some are more like Doggy Camping with dogs roaming free in outdoor areas and having their own cabin to sack out in at night time. 

Makes me happy to know that my kids will be able to be happy and well taken care of when I make the move.  I have great folks that pet-sit/house-sit for me here but know that once over there, I'll need to find stuff on my own. 

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