I finished my Masters of International Studies at the Univ of Leeds in 2006. I did my undergrad degree at the Univ of Pitt in Spanish/business.
My background was lacking for the degree, many UK students knew far more than I did about politics, history and world events. I felt behind, but I still did really well. The reading is heavier, but I expected that with a Masters course. Also, I foudn that you didn't have to do all the reading - you find out what each lecturer expects of you in class and adjust accordingly. I had 2 papers for each course, except for one course where there was just one. Get a headstart on them!!! They will take a long time, not only b/c they are longer, but b/c they are more in depth and hte books will most likely be scarce around the time it's due! I found the lecturers a little less interactive and the fact that classes were only once a week that it was harder to get involved in the Uni and be freinds with students. Mind you, I didn't live near campus b/c I was living with my british bf (now Dh). The degree was 1yr and overall, as I look back, was fairly easy, but I would have preferred more class time.