How important do you feel a honeymoon is?I personally don't think it's that important. We didn't go on a honeymoon as my mom, sis, and brother were over and they just met dh's family so I couldn't just leave them to their own devices! Plus, we went well over our budget so we couldn't afford a honeymoon at the time. But I do think it's really a personal choice on how important it is.
I wouldn't have minded one, but I felt spending time with my family was just as important since I'd have the rest of my life with my dh.
Now, if dh ever happens to surprise me with a belated honeymoon, I won't say no! lol
Do you think the time to relax after the wedding is very important??I think so. We had to organise the wedding in under two months. Although I didn't find it all that stressful, I couldn't have coped with doing loads of things afterwards.
What would you have done differently?I wouldn't change anything really -- how it went, etc. -- because it was lovely as it was; however, I wish my dad had been there to give me away. Since it was such short notice, I had to have dh's grandfather do that, but I'd have preferred my dad being there.