I've got one here that I use, it's a Rival Crock-Pot brand. It's a 4-quart, and it's got the ceramic pot that lifts out of the heating pan, so it can be put in the fridge, or the oven, or on the table. It's only got 3 settings- warm, low and high- but it's never really occurred to me that I'd need others.
My fiance does not have one, so we've added one to our Amazon UK wedding list. It's also a CrockPot brand, and they all look identical to the Rival models sold in the US. I picked out one that's like the one my mom has, because it's a little bit bigger than what I've got:
I don't use mine super-often now, mostly because it's just me, but in the past I've used it quite a bit for stews, chili, chicken & dumplings, etc. I've also started doing pot roast in them. I just brown the roast on the stove top first, to sear it, then I pour a can of Golden Mushroom soup over the top and let it go all day on low. Very tasty, and it works with beef or pork roast. Since I don't think they have Golden Mushroom soup over there, I managed to find a copy-cat recipe here: