Please tell me it gets better.
I got my license in the States when I was 17, but I've lived in cities, there and abroad, ever since. Never had any need to drive. Until now.
I have a handle on the roundabouts and the left-hand side of the road thing, which is good, but...I'm scared of the little streets! The cars that park, seemingly willy-nilly, on both sides of the road, blocking lanes! And the little bridges, oh dear god, the little bridges! Ack,ack! I keep holding my breath and telling the car to "suck it in" just until we get past that narrow bend, and over that little bridge, and, and...
And I don't want to go into the almost-accidents I caused on the high street this morning. Needless to say, I might have to paint my car a different color, dye my hair, and move away to a town where the shame won't follow. (Wasn't so bad but it felt like it.)
I know this all takes practice, like riding a bike. Only, on a bike, you're not
likely to cause the inadvertent death of your neighbors. I can't believe I'm in charge of such a lumbering chunk of metal.
So.. this gets better. Right?