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Topic: How much does everyone pay for rent?  (Read 6376 times)

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Re: How much does everyone pay for rent?
« Reply #60 on: January 10, 2008, 10:13:49 AM »
We pay £1190/month for a 3-bed flat in Crouch Hill, but we got it through friends. The thing that gets me is that my in-laws next door have the same flat through the council for £90/week. Of course ours is in better shape because the council never updates anything once you move in...and they have been there 35 years. The good news is that they are retiring to Barbados this year...and since DH is on their lease we can move in there with his brother...and save BIG time. But currently we are spending about 25-30% of our combined monthly income on rent...plus another £102 on council tax.
Terri P O'Neale

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Re: How much does everyone pay for rent?
« Reply #61 on: January 10, 2008, 10:57:31 AM »
Wow...I'm glad we don't live down south! I'm in Gretna, Scotland.

We pay £425 a month for a detached house with two double bedrooms, a nice sized front garden, large back garden and a garage. We're two miles from the town, 10 miles from the nearest city and our closest neighbors are half a mile away. We're paying about 25% of our monthly income.

If we had stayed in Carlisle, for the same amount of money we could have got a 2 bedroom terraced house. I don't mind the drive into Carlisle for work if it means not having any neighbors and getting a much nicer place.

Re: How much does everyone pay for rent?
« Reply #62 on: January 10, 2008, 03:46:21 PM »
We pay £425 a month for a detached house with two double bedrooms, a nice sized front garden, large back garden and a garage. We're two miles from the town, 10 miles from the nearest city and our closest neighbors are half a mile away. We're paying about 25% of our monthly income.

Awwwe... im sooooo jealous! Your house sounds so much better (and cheaper!!) than mine! I'd love to have a detached house with NO neighbours!

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Re: How much does everyone pay for rent?
« Reply #63 on: January 10, 2008, 04:15:43 PM »
Mine is $250 a month and I have a roommate. I have my own room and my own bathroom, and we're never there at the same time. It seems like an ok apartment complex and it's in a good part of town. My roommate is awesome compared to past roommates.
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