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Topic: The End  (Read 4776 times)

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Re: The End
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2007, 06:54:03 PM »
 :-\\\\ You know where to find me if you need to talk/vent/shoulder to cry on/etc. *big hugs*
It was most definitely...a THING.

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Re: The End sorry to read about that ((((HUGS)))))
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2007, 02:05:38 AM »
hi there.. sorry i havent been online or on here for a long time, im sorry to read about ur break up:( im here if u need a chat... take care of urself:( amy

Re: The End
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2007, 08:51:07 PM »
Oh, Erika!

I'm so, so sorry!


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Re: The End
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2007, 10:33:59 PM »
I'm so sorry to hear that.  [smiley=hug.gif]

My ldr didn't work out either. I was heartbroken at the time, but now a few years after, I can look back and I know it really was for the best. (He just isn't the person he lead me to believe he was at the time) Even though it's been years since I've dated anyone from the UK, I still hang around here and go to the UK 1-2 times a year.
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Re: The End
« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2007, 04:24:53 AM »
I am so, so sorry to hear this.

I'm not around here as much anymore as my LDR didn't work out either...it busted up painfully earlier in the year.

Hugs, and will be thinking of you.

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Re: The End
« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2007, 05:21:15 AM »
You guys are awesome! I really appreciate the support. I'm having such a hard time right now. At first I was upset but I felt okie but the more time passes the more I've realized what I have lost. I guess it's hard because he doesn't know why he doesn't want to get married anytime soon ...just that he doesnt. Today I had a complete breakdown and I've cried most of the day. I spoke to his sister and she thinks he'll realize what he's losing and come around but I honestly don't see that happening. It feels so final...

His sister said she's always there for me no matter what and that if I ever want to go to England or find myself over there then I have a place to stay (with her). It nice to know you arn't hated when you've made a decision that doesn't only effect your life but the people surrounding your life. I truely love him and his family but I just can't carry on doing an LDR any longer and I finally felt like we were at our homestretch and I was feeling good about taking that step. I feel sort of foolish for believing that we'd make it past all this but I guess it's something I've learned and will take with me into friendships and relationships.

I'm terribly heartbroken...I know ill be okie but that doesn't make the pain any less atm. It's hard to believe for 6 years that you're future is all sorted and you've planned on uprooting your life, moving to another country, marrying someone, having kids with someone and then...bam it's all gone. Its like you have to start over...wipe the slat clean on your future or what you thought your future would be.

I want to express to everyone who emailed or commented how much I appreciate your concern and well wishes. Thank you very very very much!

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Re: The End
« Reply #21 on: December 31, 2007, 07:52:27 PM »
I'm sorry to hear this. It sounds like you had very good reasons and I hope you come back as often as you feel comfortable. (((hugs)))

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Re: The End
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2008, 12:08:29 AM »
Just reading this.  Take care of yourself.

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Re: The End
« Reply #23 on: January 01, 2008, 12:20:37 AM »
Hey E, I hope 2008 brings you good luck and lots of happiness. I know right now it seems like you won't smile again, but you will in time. I hope Adam wakes up and sees what he is losing, but if he doesn't, then as cliche as it is, it is truly his loss. I'm glad to see you around, take care of yourself [smiley=hug.gif]
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Re: The End
« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2008, 02:21:55 PM »
I'm just seeing this.  I'm so sorry.  I think your number one priority right now is to take good care of yourself.  And realise that you deserve the best.   :)

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Re: The End
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2008, 10:04:23 PM »
Hi Penguin,
I am sooo sorry to hear about your breakup...but I understand what you are going thru...I had a similar thing happen to me in November...I had been in my LDR for 4 years and 2 weeks before I was supposed to move over for good my guy got cold feet and broke up with me...It came as a complete shock and out of nowhere...especially since we had just gotten engaged in September...I was ready to uproot my life and everything. I prepared myself for the move and leaving my family and friends and everything had been going great....and then this happened...we were broken up for about a month when we finally decided we needed to talk...so I went to see him in the beginning of December...I thought we worked thru everything...but I am not so sure and I think the phone conversation we are going to have tomorrow night could possibly be the end...this is a man I love with all my heart...I just don't know what I am going to do without him being there...but I figure it this way...if he is not ready you can't force him...and I will never regret the time I had with him...the time I got to love him...with the beginning of the New Year you just have to see life as a new adventure....it is going to feel strange for awhile...I sometimes feel like I am just someone observing my life from the outside in....I don't really feel a part of anything anymore...and maybe that is because my mindset for a long time was moving to be with him...and what makes it hard is the constant reminders...I remember right after we broke up that everytime I saw Colin Firth on TV I would burst into tears(silly I know..but he reminds me I my fiance)...there are always going to be things that remind you...but you will eventually get past that...and you just have to start trying new and different things...I hope his sister is right and he realizes what he is losing by losing you...but you are a young, beautiful, strong woman...who is going to have an amazing life no matter what...if you ever want to talk just let me know...I know what you are going thru...

myspace.com/broadwaybabyjo  is my myspace link....or just email me here and we can talk....I wish you all the luck in the New Year....
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Re: The End
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2008, 03:24:46 PM »
I am really sorry to hear this. It is really tough planning your life only to have it not work out. Look after yourself and know we are all here for you!
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Re: The End
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2008, 05:38:25 PM »
Ericka and JEP, I hope you both get through things okay and this year brings you so much happiness.  LDR's are hard and can be very stressful, it's nice knowing that there are people on here for support when it's needed. 
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

Re: The End
« Reply #28 on: January 04, 2008, 04:40:20 AM »
Im really sorry, why dont you just take it easy and spoil yourself..you deserve the best..its better you found out now then you moving and then he finds out he dosent know what hes doing..
If you been together for 6 years he might still come around...so leave him let him figure out what he is losing...


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