Just got back from Scotland last night, and I'll just say that I will not be using Iceland Air again (unless I have some sudden urge to go there for a vacation). First of all, the flights either boarded really late or really early...so don't count on the boarding times. I realize that is a problem for most airlines, so I'll cut them some slack on that one.
You have cramped seats, no heating to speak of, and I asked repeatedly for blankets and pillows to no avail. Apparently they didn't have enough blankets on the flight for everyone. It's basically the RyanAir of transatlantic flights. Personally for RyanAir levels of service, I would like a much lower price tag.
You have to pay for all beverages other than tea, coffee, and water. I personally think that if I'm paying close to $800 for a flight, I should be able to get a Diet Pepsi for free, but maybe that's just me. Oh, and you only get offered drinks once, maybe twice on a 5 hour trip. Hmm....not too impressive.
Then there's the entertainment, or shall I say lack thereof. You get a couple of screens for the whole plane, which is ok, but the movies they showed were a joke. On the way to Iceland they had "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" as the selected entertainment...nice movie, too bad it's about 2 or 3 years old. On the way back to the States, they showed "Shattered Glass" a made for tv movie about that journalist Steven Glass who made up stories at the New Republic magazine. Hmm...kind of disappointing.
If you want to use the bathroom, good luck. They have one toilet for the whole of the main cabin area. I'm not even sure if business class had their own or not. Business class got a whole lot of extra perks, so maybe it would be worth upgrading...I dunno.
The airport in Rekyavik is also not the best place to have a four hour layover. All the shops are closed most of the time (unless a plane has just landed) and they only have a small coffee restaurant thingy which is also only open when a plane lands. Now, I had four hour layover yesterday with nothing to do. I sat quietly in the waiting area doing crosswords, reading, and listening to my cds. Never bothered anyone, didn't do anything suspicious. I was asked by a *different* security guard every 20-30 minutes about why I was there, where I had come from, where I was going to, etc. Well, last time I checked there wasn't a whole lot of anything else to do, so I was just sitting there. I was actually approached by a group of 3 guards only 5-10 minutes after being asked by another guard. I know they're just doing their job, but for pete's sake.
Ok, I'm gonna stop complaining for just now...just thought you might want to know, as some of you were thinking about using their services. :-/