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Topic: [MERGED]: Heath Ledger Dies/Dead  (Read 10063 times)

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Re: [MERGED]: Heath Ledger Dies/Dead
« Reply #90 on: February 07, 2008, 08:33:08 AM »
Some people are saying that it had to have been intentional or that he was a prescription drug addict.  However, I don't really buy that.  When you are ill, your mind doesn't work quite up the standard that it normally does.  And honestly, if no one told him about the effects of mixing them (which is probably what happens), he took his two anxiety meds like he would any day but then added the other meds for his insomnia and for the pain he was having.  Most likely, he didn't even think twice, especially with being ill and jet-lagged.  I think that they should include the drug information leaflet with drugs that you are prescribed here.  I have never received one of those here and the pharmacist has never asked me what other drugs I may be taking.  Very worrying.
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Re: [MERGED]: Heath Ledger Dies/Dead
« Reply #91 on: February 07, 2008, 09:20:54 AM »
Some people are saying that it had to have been intentional or that he was a prescription drug addict.  However, I don't really buy that.  When you are ill, your mind doesn't work quite up the standard that it normally does.  And honestly, if no one told him about the effects of mixing them (which is probably what happens), he took his two anxiety meds like he would any day but then added the other meds for his insomnia and for the pain he was having.  Most likely, he didn't even think twice, especially with being ill and jet-lagged.  I think that they should include the drug information leaflet with drugs that you are prescribed here.  I have never received one of those here and the pharmacist has never asked me what other drugs I may be taking.  Very worrying.

I have had the drug leaflet with my drugs here.  and I read it.  It's just not as user friendly as they make it in the States. 

As for the overdose....  He was almost definitely self-medicating and probably looking for anything to help him with his symptoms.  And he was very busy and couldn't afford to be sick.  He should have been able to take the time to be sick and get proper treatment but when a multi million dollar movie is at stake, no one cares, unless you're dead.  Then people cared.  Oops.

DH's grandma for years was taking tons of different meds and was a valium addict.  It wasn't until she almost died and we rifled through her cupboards that we found everything she was taking.  It was stunning!  And that the doctor kept prescribing all that stuff and no one took the time to look at the list.  She had no idea what it all was for, and when we sat down with a doctor and went through it all, we finally knew the whole story.  Amazing.

Then we put the list on her fridge and she hated that because her dirty little secrets were exposed but at least it was a complete list of what she was taking so the doctors could help her armed with the proper information.   
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Re: [MERGED]: Heath Ledger Dies/Dead
« Reply #92 on: February 07, 2008, 09:39:37 AM »
Oh really?  I never got the leaflet here.  The only one that had a leaflet was for DH's eczema cream.  Still, it is easy these days with people being busy and doctors just prescribing too readily.  It is only seen when people accidentally overdose.  Very sad.  My mom's close friend almost died from an accidental overdose because she didn't know that the two drugs she was prescribed for a separate condition would be dangerous mixed with the blood pressure medication she was on.  The only thing that saved her was she wasn't trying to sleep and was alarmed at the fact that she felt extremely tired and short of breath.  She called 911.  Scary.

As for the overdose....  He was almost definitely self-medicating and probably looking for anything to help him with his symptoms.  And he was very busy and couldn't afford to be sick.  He should have been able to take the time to be sick and get proper treatment but when a multi million dollar movie is at stake, no one cares, unless you're dead.  Then people cared.  Oops.

Yes, I am sure to some extent he was self-medicating.  I am sure he saw a doctor and was prescribed different meds at different times by different doctors (all due to his international work schedule), but, when you are tired and ill, you can sometimes think, "Hey this will help me sleep."  If he had received proper treatment and was allowed that recovery time, instead of running into a doc's office and quickly being prescribed something for sympton A and B, then he would probably be here still.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2008, 09:43:50 AM by Dar »
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Re: [MERGED]: Heath Ledger Dies/Dead
« Reply #93 on: February 07, 2008, 09:42:32 AM »
Oh really?  I never got the leaflet here.  The only one that had a leaflet was for DH's eczema cream.  Still, it is easy these days with people being busy and doctors just prescribing too readily. 

Every med I've had here has had a leaflet inside the box.  It looks like it came right from the pharma company. 
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Re: [MERGED]: Heath Ledger Dies/Dead
« Reply #94 on: February 07, 2008, 09:44:41 AM »
Every med I've had here has had a leaflet inside the box.  It looks like it came right from the pharma company. 

I've only received the one medication here.  Perhaps that was a fluke.  Quite possible.
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Re: [MERGED]: Heath Ledger Dies/Dead
« Reply #95 on: February 07, 2008, 10:46:13 AM »
Every med I've had here has had a leaflet inside the box.  It looks like it came right from the pharma company. 
Yes me also. But I must admit I rarely read the leaflets unless there's something specific I'm concerned about. How many people actually take the time to read all that small print?

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Re: [MERGED]: Heath Ledger Dies/Dead
« Reply #96 on: February 07, 2008, 11:02:53 AM »
Yes me also. But I must admit I rarely read the leaflets unless there's something specific I'm concerned about. How many people actually take the time to read all that small print?

I would say at least 75% can't be bothered!  :-\\\\
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Re: [MERGED]: Heath Ledger Dies/Dead
« Reply #97 on: February 07, 2008, 10:56:31 PM »
Yes me also. But I must admit I rarely read the leaflets unless there's something specific I'm concerned about. How many people actually take the time to read all that small print?

I actually do, but only cos my mum's a nurse and has always done and has made me paranoid about adverse reactions.  Both of my brothers and my dad read them as well.
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Re: [MERGED]: Heath Ledger Dies/Dead
« Reply #98 on: February 07, 2008, 11:08:56 PM »
Brad Renfro is dead??!!?!?!! Boy I do miss out on a lot living here! , he was one of my first crushes! :(

Me too. I use to watch "Tom and Huck" with him and Johnathan Taylor Thomas over and over again. My best friend and I use to argue over which one is cuter. He was from my hometown. My mom just sent me a two page article the local newspaper ran about his life/death.
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Re: [MERGED]: Heath Ledger Dies/Dead
« Reply #99 on: February 07, 2008, 11:40:34 PM »
I think he was absolutely brilliant in Apt Pupil, a huge role and he did an excellent job

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Re: [MERGED]: Heath Ledger Dies/Dead
« Reply #100 on: February 09, 2008, 03:28:40 AM »
I think he was absolutely brilliant in Apt Pupil, a huge role and he did an excellent job

They just had it on the news here that he (Renfro) died from an accidental heroin overdose. So sad!
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