I finally got the DVD recorder connected up, thanks to an AV-savvy friend who is easily bribed with Mexican food. We tested it, it works, and last night i recorded something... and took it upstairs to play on the little portable DVD player i keep in my bedroom.
It won't play.
It gives me a message saying 'invalid disc'.
I have a DVD recorder, too, and you can't play a disc on any other machine UNLESS you finalize it (you may even have gotten a message when you opened the machine asking you if you want to finalize the disc). Once you finalize, you can't record anything else on that disc. The only way around this might be to buy another DVD recorder, the exact same one, and put it on your other TV. Which is a rather expensive option.
A cheaper option, if you really want to watch the discs on another DVD player, is to record several shows on a disc and then finalize it. Then you can play it on a different machine. Once finalized, you won't be able to record over that disc again, but at least you'll have several shows to watch on your other TV. If you look online, you should be able to find some cheap deals on discs so that it won't be a big deal if you finalize a couple a week. And if they're shows you don't want to save after you watch them, you could always see if anyone you know hasn't seen the shows. Or just toss the discs when done (wasteful, yes, but still much less expensive than buying a second recorder).