So my girlfriend's coming to visit this week! Her plane lands Tuesday night. I haven't seen her since September; we've planned a whole three weeks, our longest visit yet.
And I'm so nervous! I usually get the equivalent of first-date-jitters right before I see her, but I'm actually anxious this time around. It's the first time she's going to visit my hometown---and she's going to meet my parents. I'm sure I'll be fine as soon as I see her, but in the meantime I'm full of whatifs: what if the weather's bad? what if we get bored/irritated with each other? what if she doesn't like my friends? what on earth are we going to talk about when we get together with my folks (she teaches at university, and my dad didn't even go to college)? What if my big Catholic extended family insists on including us in Easter festivities? gaaaaaaaaaah!
Any advice for pre-visit jitters? Or tips for handling the parent-meeting?