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Topic: Anyone else get a package from the IRS?  (Read 2398 times)

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Re: Anyone else get a package from the IRS?
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2008, 03:05:06 AM »
It most certainly is true about the tax rebate thing.  Payments are going out in early May and it's $600 per person or $1200 per couple plus $300 per child under 17 years old.  So I'll be getting $1800.

I'm still in the US and will be moving to the UK this June.  I love that they are giving out this money to stimulate the US economy and I am planning to use the cash to help me in my move to the UK!  Ha, Ha! Suckers! 
(Forgive my shameful glee.  It's my tiny way of sticking it to the government I've disliked so much over these last 7 years...)

Anyway, I was just reading up on some updated info on the IRS website about the rebate checks and I didn't see anything there that specifically said you must be living in the US to get the checks.  You need to have US income though for 2007, so I suppose that disqualifies most of you living in the UK.  Anyone getting social security benefits, railroad retirement benefits, or certain veteran's benefits and living in the UK might still qualify for a check though.  It's worth looking into anyway.

Here are the faqs from the IRS for anyone interested: http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=179181,00.html


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