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Topic: Re: Moving to the UK for 6 months?  (Read 1808 times)

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Re: Moving to the UK for 6 months?
« on: March 21, 2004, 01:09:26 PM »
I'm assuming that you're talking about coming to the UK on nothing but your passport... if I'm assuming incorrectly then ignore the rest of this post. ;)

There are a lot of different threads in this room talking about this issue, and everyone seems to have a different opinion about it. Some people have done it without a hitch, over and over again. Some people haven't, and have either been turned away or detained and interrogated. You'rs truly falls into the latter category.

At the end of the day, your passport isn't a guarantee that they'll let you stay the 6 months allowed. If they don't believe your story, if they think you're trying to get around the system and get married in the UK without having gone the fiancee visa route, if they think you're going to stay illegally and try to get a job, if they think you don't have enough money to sustain yourself for the duration of your stay and thereby worry that you'll need to get a job illegally, or even if they are having a bad day and feel like being a jerk... they can turn you away. They don't have to give a good reason. The friendly arrangement between the US & the UK isn't a set-in-stone kind of thing... so no guarantees.

That being said, loads of people have done it without a hitch as I said.

My problem was that I was staying 5 months, didn't have enough money to live independently for that period of time, and it took them a LOT of convincing to believe that David was going to support me, that we weren't going to get married, that I was going back to the US after 5 months, and that I wouldn't get a job while I was here. A lot of convincing. Hours and hours and countless interviews of convincing.

You might have an easier time if you're only staying for 3 months as well, since that's less suspicious anyway.

So how about all of *THAT* for being vague and unhelpful! :) Unfortunately this isn't a cut-and-dry issues, and everyone's circumstance is different. No two situations are the same, and so much depends on the person you get when you get to the Airport.

My Advice: have as much money as you can (Easier said than done, I know. We transfered loads of DAvid's money into my US account before I flew, and I just gave it back to him when I arrived. Wish we had transferred more money now!)... have your return flight tickets IN HAND so you can show them you have no intention of staying permanently, have a travel itinerary of things you want to do while you are here. They were annoyed that I said part of my reason for a 5 month trip was travel, but I didn't have any travel plans! It looked like I was lying.

So... that's my long-winded answer and I hope it's appropriate. :)
I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

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Re: Moving to the UK for 6 months?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2004, 05:08:22 AM »
Tebs sent me to this post. HI
 that was really helpful info. Sorry u got interrogated.
 Its tough huh?
Okay so lets say I go for 3 -4 months right.
  Now if i go for that long and he would like to transfer funds to my account ( yay that can be done. we been talking bout this till our lil faces are blue.  but um) okay so he can do that. Okay so  also.. bring an iteerary of things i want to do whilist there ( GOT YOU i will start making a list today. good thing i didnt see nothing last ime i went plus i was there 5 days lol)
 Um.. okay so  will they ask what i do? or my job info? i temp.
 um and he has a full time job he's been at for like over a year. and he also has started to sell his car so he can have more money so he can support me whiliest  I am there.
 How soon should u file for a fiance visa once u are there?  cos i dont know what to say. if we are NOT gonna look like we getting married LOL. isnt it all bullocks and complicated?
 U are a big help. its nice ot know i can ask  more questions. Before reading stories i ws like what do i do???
thanks sorry to bombard.

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Re: Moving to the UK for 6 months?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2004, 09:17:18 AM »
How soon should u file for a fiance visa once u are there?  cos i dont know what to say. if we are NOT gonna look like we getting married LOL. isnt it all bullocks and complicated?

You apply for a Fiancee Visa before you go to the UK.  It's an Entry Clearance that allows you into the UK for the purposes of marriage and settlement.  You cannot apply for one within the UK and you cannot obtain your FLR(M) within the UK if you marry whilst not on a Fiancee Visa.  You must return to the US and get a Spouse Visa in that instance.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2004, 04:56:53 PM by peedal »
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Re: Moving to the UK for 6 months?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2004, 01:36:38 AM »
oh boy. so i have to do that now.. or maybe after i visith for 6 months.
it sure is confusing isnt it>
 thanks for ur help
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Re: Moving to the UK for 6 months?
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2004, 08:20:40 AM »
oh boy. so i have to do that now.. or maybe after i visith for 6 months.
it sure is confusing isnt it>
 thanks for ur help

Once you have your fiancee' visa, it is valid for six months (so you'll be getting married within that six month period).  Based on what I've read of your situation, I'd suggest you either:

a) go visit your boyfriend on a visitor's visa....if you decide that you want to get married during that time, GO BACK to the US and apply for a fiancee' visa....once that's granted, you'll have six months to get over to the UK and get married


b) go visit your boyfriend on a visitor's visa...if you decide to get married, both of you go back to the US, get married, and apply for a spousal visa IN PERSON at one of the consulates (NY, LA, Chicago)...then you're free and clear to go back to the UK as a married couple and you'll have permission to work

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Re: Moving to the UK for 6 months?
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2004, 01:20:10 AM »
 OH and how much money did u have in ur account transfered? I dont want TOO MUch cos then u look suspicious but i dont wan tto little either.
 :) U KNOW how picky they get.

Thanks for the advice too. i wil talk to hi about these options.
now if we come back to  get married, how long shoudl we wait to do that?  dont even think we need a big shabang kind of wedding lol.. hmmmm
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Re: Moving to the UK for 6 months?
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2004, 12:53:18 PM »

now if we come back to  get married, how long shoudl we wait to do that?  dont even think we need a big shabang kind of wedding lol.. hmmmm

That's really up to you.  We had a traditional wedding, but there's also the option of a civil ceremony.  Really up to you guys and your families.   I will tell you though, that I think it would be hell trying to plan a wedding in the US from the UK.  I planned from the US and DH came over for the wedding.  (Actually, was much easier because he wasn't in the way at all during the planning process!  ;) )

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Re: Moving to the UK for 6 months?
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2004, 08:25:25 PM »
you really are sooo helpful. It gives me some ideas which is good. I think it would be nice to get his family out here to Califpnia or to vegas. They would have a ball. PLUS he only has his parents and 2 brothers I have my parnts and my sister but my mom woul dwant to invite the WHOLE WORLD and honestly i would want a few of my friends as witness .. u know i am a girlie girl lol.

 u really are so helpful than,s and i will be asking MORE questions when i think of some :)

Married to the most wonderful man in the world. Patrick Mulcrone. March 21,2005.  :) Temporarily back in the USA! Missing him! If you need advice I am here for you!

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