Ok, so despite my good intentions, I have missed the April 15th deadline. Thankfully I won't owe any tax, so I can use the 2 month extension and not pay interest.
Just a couple of quick questions regarding the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion form.
1. As I'm moving out of my flat at the end of June, is it ok to use my in-laws (UK) address on my 1040 and 2555-EZ. I think it would just be easier in the long run to have this address on file since we are likely to be moving quite a bit in the next few years. I think this if fine, but just wanted to check.
2. On part 2 of the 2555-EZ where it asks for employer's name and US/foreign addresses, I'm a bit confused as to what to put. I work for a multi-national company. While technically it is a US company (although historically British), I work directly for the UK division. Do I put both a US/UK address of this company? Line 9 asks if the employer is a) a US business b) a foreign business or c) other. I just don't understand what they are getting at with this question, and how I should respond. Sorry if this is really simple, and I am overcomplicating it!
Thanks very much in advance!