I recently moved to Netherlands three months ago , now I have to thinking about what to do next ?
I put this topic in Netherlands expact and I would like to share with you .
I would like to ask here working expats about their cost of living in this country ( I mean NL).
Even the pounds is going down like hell, I do see that the cost of living in this
country is exptensise compared to UK.
We may have to go back to USA...Europe is just too expensive with low salary..
what is your experience after the move ? Are you happy here ?
.........................Netherlands............. .....United Kingdom
1. TRICJN..................€52
2. RENT.................. €925....................... £675.00
3. TV UPC ..................€65 ....................... £70.00
4. Water ..................€30 ....................... £30.00
5. NUON ..................€200 ....................... £200.00
7. GEMEENTE........... €54 ....................... £110.00
8. Fee for School..... €500
9. grocery bill .......... €500 ....................... £500.00
10. Transport ............€80 ....................... £100.00
Total .......................€2,376 .......................£1,685.00
+ Plus other thing like MOT, Road Tax for car ....
In order to just pay your bill, you have to make about
According to UK Take-Home Calculator
You have to make about £28,500 to Take home £1,685
Without the School in NL $2,376 - €500 = €1,876
you can take home £1,685 with yearly salary £28,500.
NL UK Take-Home Calculator
You have to make about €45,500 to Take home €1,876...
PS .. if you make £45500 you can take home about £2,734.63 in UK ..
.........in USA with $45500 .. you can take home $3,289.52 per month but the 45K is very low salary .. I will expect a good salary about 90K and more in IT domain.