I now make Jon Stewart "must watch TV." It is amazing that a show that is originally broadcast on a comedy channel is more insightful about current events than most evening news programs.
I particularly enjoyed the piece about the internet rumours and how the press plays into reporting them rather than taking another 20 seconds and doing the responsible thing and reporting the distortions of the rumours.
My mom forwarded me an email about Barack, that was just chock full of lies. I gave her a link to
www.snopes.com that covered the email's assertions. It was eye opening for her. She has now asked me to help her do a search on Snopes for a couple of other emails she has received. And I know she has forwarded those links to the people who send her those emails. While I don't know if that will change their minds, hopefully it make some impact and get them to think first, and ask questions and not believe everything they read. Small baby steps forward!