Just a update guys....in case anyone else has the same problem
Rang the HO at Croydon...Spoke to a WONDERFUL man (makes a change
) and the first thing he said when I told him my partner didn't have a stamp..was "Oh he flew in from Dublin, he is one of hundreds" (you would think they would have sorted the problem if the HO sigh and groan about it!! and already know what I am going to say before I say it!)...anywho....vent over...
He informed me that the Registry office will accept the ticket itinerary and the tickets / stubs as proof of entry to the UK....and if they don't the Registry Office (not you) can contact this number 0208 196 5459 and the HO will vallidate your visit to them over the phone. He then went on to say that after we are married and we proceed to send our FLR (M) visa application, we should state on a covering letter that he was not originally stamped when entering the UK as he came through Term 1 Heathrow. They will process the FLR visa and back stamp the passport to show a entrance stamp that we should have got when he arrived.
So panic over....what a nightmare..and a huge sigh of relief.
Lets hope it really is that simple!