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Topic: Driving with a cat  (Read 2859 times)

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Re: Driving with a cat
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2008, 02:09:33 PM »
It's not a very nice thought, but if you're in a car accident and your cat is just wandering around the cab of the truck when it happens, it has a better chance of being flung about and injured than if it was safe in the carrier.  :-\\\\

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Re: Driving with a cat
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2008, 12:57:06 AM »
We did two 17 hour moves from MA to TN and then the reverse, both moves with cats. We let the cats walk around, but we had very well behaved cats and there were enough of us to keep them away from the driver. We just so happened to have cars with "way backs" so we put a litter box in the back and the cat could walk around. On the move down, Mandy was so cute sitting on the dashboard!!

I did a 4 hour drive with Chloe. She loves riding in the car and was no problem in the carrier, but I could see her being a problem with the driver's feet and don't know if I would want her loose. I, too, think it depends on the cat.

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Re: Driving with a cat
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2008, 08:36:06 AM »
I think preparing for all options and possibilities is a good idea and I agree that it does depend on the cat and situation (length of time, etc.).

Good luck and I hope it isn't too stressful!

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Re: Driving with a cat
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2008, 12:32:06 PM »
I did a 12½-hour drive when I evacuated for Hurricane Rita.  The cat was kept in a carrier.  We did give her water, and my daughter pulled her out a time or two to make sure she had a bit of air conditioning directly on her (Norwegian Forest Cat, double-coated) for a period.  All went well.  As someone else said, I did it to keep her contained for safety reasons.

Re: Driving with a cat
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2008, 02:56:42 PM »
I did a 12½-hour drive when I evacuated for Hurricane Rita.  The cat was kept in a carrier.  We did give her water, and my daughter pulled her out a time or two to make sure she had a bit of air conditioning directly on her (Norwegian Forest Cat, double-coated) for a period.  All went well.  As someone else said, I did it to keep her contained for safety reasons.

Both of my cats were in carriers during the evacuation. We were on the road for 7 1/2 hours and Blue never stopped meowing the entire time. It was so pitiful. And so annoying! :P

Re: Driving with a cat
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2008, 03:03:23 PM »
I suppose it really depends on the cat. I just know my cat would reak havick in the car if let loose. But he also loves his carrier. A vet gave me a tip a while ago when i thought Olly was going to fly to America. She said 'to get the cat used to its carrier, leave the carrier out in the house with the door off for a week or so before the trip.. so that it gets used to it and goes inside it'.  We did that for about a week and 2 years later the carrier still sits in the corner of the living room because Olly wont let us take it away and he uses it as a bed at night.  Now when we go on trips, he really doesnt mind being in it. Worth a try?

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Re: Driving with a cat
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2008, 03:35:06 PM »
I'd be curious to find out in the aftermath of an accident if the cat was found in the footwell of a car and there was no cat restraint system in the car, would the insurance people drop you like a hot potato.

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Re: Driving with a cat
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2008, 01:58:22 AM »
Both of my cats were in carriers during the evacuation. We were on the road for 7 1/2 hours and Blue never stopped meowing the entire time. It was so pitiful. And so annoying! :P

Spaz cried the first hour, but calmed down after that.  She was so upset that my daughter had to drip water onto her nose to get her to take any at all.  Two of the three female guinea pigs we took with us also fought for that first hour.  The only quiet ones were the two male guinea pigs.

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Re: Driving with a cat
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2008, 09:02:31 AM »
Do you keep your cat(s) in a carrier in the car? We were planning to get a bigger carrier for Moby in hopes that he would hate it less than the small one we have now, but not having to spend the money would obviously be nice. ;) I'm sure he'd be happier to be on my lap--I'm just concerned that he might want to be on J's lap as well, while J's driving! Or otherwise get in the way and make a nuisance of himself.

We're driving a rental van, if that makes any difference. Oh, and he'll also have to stay in the car (by himself) for two hours on the ferry, and I'm not sure whether he should be in the carrier for that.

Let us know how it goes - I'm assuming it's today?

Good luck with it all!

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Re: Driving with a cat
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2008, 04:29:18 PM »
Well, we made it! We did get the bigger carrier, although I don't know whether it mattered, as he just curled up at the back the whole trip. He wouldn't come out at all, even when we stopped. But he didn't yowl the whole way like I was afraid he might! So we all arrived safe and (relatively) sane.

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Re: Driving with a cat
« Reply #25 on: June 09, 2008, 04:38:53 PM »
Well, we made it! We did get the bigger carrier, although I don't know whether it mattered, as he just curled up at the back the whole trip. He wouldn't come out at all, even when we stopped. But he didn't yowl the whole way like I was afraid he might! So we all arrived safe and (relatively) sane.

I'm glad you made it OK, Elynor!  ;D

Mine used his litter tray within an hour of leaving home, so I had to drive with that smell! Eeeeek! But he eventually settled down and slept on the front seat next to me, which was very sweet.

Here he is:
« Last Edit: June 09, 2008, 04:46:41 PM by chary »
My Project 365 photo blog: Snaps!

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Re: Driving with a cat
« Reply #26 on: June 09, 2008, 06:10:46 PM »
Elynor, glad you made it OK!

Chary, you have one handsome beastie there! I want one....

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Re: Driving with a cat
« Reply #27 on: June 09, 2008, 09:05:45 PM »
ur cat is so cute chary! .... glad u and your family made it safely!

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