Before I moved to England, the longest I'd been away from my son was 3 weeks, when I visited England in 2007. Due to cramped living arrangements, we even shared a bed for a few years. Now I've been away almost 3 months, and I miss "The Young Highlander" (as he's always been referred to on the 'net) so much that it's interferring with my ability to adjust to life here. He seems to be taking the change well, all things considered, which both pleases and stings me.
Here is the current problem for me. My son has Asperger's syndrome, AND has just recently become a teenager, which makes communication a challenge, especially at this distance. Phone calls and emails are short, every question is answered with "nothing" or "I dunno"... (Or, rarely, extremely verbose, detailing some subject I can barely follow.)
Any ideas for cracking this nut? I recently allowed him to create a MySpace account, which has given us a way to connect that is a little easier for him, and we do have many games to play online together, but the time difference (8 hours) puts a damper on much. How do you stay involved, informed, and simply "in" from overseas?