The whole suing you and issuing a warrant thing is a scare tactic. My mom was paying off my dad's debt after he died and she received a paper talking about suing and arresting, and she went straight to our lawyer who basically just laughed at the paper and told her it's a scare tactic they use to get you to start paying them back.
When I defaulted on my student credit card (seriously? who in their right mind gives an 18 year old a credit card with a $1500 limit who has no job?) and I called about it, they told me to pay something like $250 and it was done with, so I'd call the credit card companies and see what you can do to pay them off.
I'm debt-free except for my student loans. Oh, are those going to haunt me forever. I'm planning on keeping my US bank account when I eventually move and when the amount in the account gets low, wiring in more money to cover the bill so I won't have to worry about trying to pay it with a UK account! (it's an auto-debit)