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Topic: Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa  (Read 1262 times)

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Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa
« on: October 10, 2008, 01:33:21 AM »
Just thought I'd make a thread where people post the most confusing questions and whatnot on their spousal and fiance visas. Just to prepare myself and future applyers. lol. not a word. ;D

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Re: Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2008, 02:31:24 AM »
ok, I wil startas my wife will be applying in january.

The recommendation is to get a proper copy of 3-6 months bank statements ( as opposed to inet printoffs ) notarised in some way by the bank.

I have been to my bank, and they have told me that they will not sign or notarise in any way (their policy apparently) and that they are likely just to run off similar copies to the ones i can get from the web themselves.

what do we do ?

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Re: Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2008, 11:20:06 AM »
Photocopies do not always "work fine", and once again you are quoting what happened 8 months ago...things change.

You are *likely* to be okay with print outs of your sponsor's bank statements, because you are from the US, but it is not guaranteed, and it is dangerous to assume that it will be okay to send only copies of all financial documents.  It is equally crazy to assume that you will be okay with only a copy of your sponsor's passport.  You should do things by the book where possible, and not hope/assume that the ECO will use discretion in your favour.  I have seen plenty of refusals of leave...even fromt he US...because copies were sent instead of originals.  Just because WebyJ was okay, it doesn't mean everyone is, and there is no point in taking a risk.


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Re: Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2008, 12:25:54 PM »
Applied a month ago and accepted - just printed bank statements from my online account and sent those, didn't get them notorised.
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Re: Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2008, 12:32:00 PM »
Point received and taken Vicky...I guess I will just stop posting

No need to do this.  It is perfectly fine for you to say "I did X and it worked", that is fine.  It is just not okay to say "you can do X and it is guaranteed to work, because mine did".  And it's not just 'not okay', but it is illegally providing immigration advice.  If someone else read your advice, took it, and got refused, well, you'd find yourself in deep sh1t as a result..and so could the owners of this board. 

It is part of my obligation as an OISC registered advisor to keep an eye on these things.  But it is important that people keep posting about their personal experiences.


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Re: Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2008, 12:32:36 PM »
I sent original bank statements sent to my husband and me from our individual banks in the US and UK.  We sent copies of each one along with the originals but did not have the latter notarised.  Never saw anything about that being a requirement on the official websites.

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Re: Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2008, 12:39:10 PM »
You sent originals, that is always enough.  And always the best idea.  As per the guidance.


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Re: Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2008, 05:12:06 PM »
I'm applying as a spouse/dependent to my husband's work visa. 

I intended to print only our US bank account statements -- as the application asked about my current earnings and that's where my current earnings go.

Should I also be enclosing UK bank statements?  It's not a joint account (as I'm not there yet to make the change to a joint account) his financial information wasn't asked for.

But now I'm worried that I'm not sending enough information.

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Re: Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2008, 07:17:01 PM »
The only thing that confused me was it asked what the issuing authority of my passport was, and what city/state it was issued in. Nowhere on the new passports does it state or city it was issued in. The application doesn't reflect that, which made it a bit annoying to try and fill out. The application is fairly straight forward though, it's not really too confusing. They need to allow more room for writing your travel dates though. They want to list the dates, length, place of travel, and reasons for travel within the last 10 years! For me, that was a huge amount of things. I couldnt fit it all. Even the last bit of the application where it gives you space to clarify anything...it didnt give enough room, either.

And it asks your sponsors name..twice, which was mildly annoying. I don't see the point in asking the same question multiple times. All very minor annoyances, though! Other than that, it's really straight forward and simple. It just seems much more stressful when you're in the process. Once it's done and dusted, you'll look back and think " :o I cant believe I stressed so much over filling it out!"

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Re: Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2008, 10:18:42 PM »
is it just me or are things in this thread missing?

what seems, at first, to be a reply to what i posted, is taken completely out of context, so much so that i dont think it is a reply about my post. Also there are several quotes from somethings i dont even see.

Am curious to know what was the reply to my post :P

Re: Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2008, 11:33:55 PM »
is it just me or are things in this thread missing?

what seems, at first, to be a reply to what i posted, is taken completely out of context, so much so that i dont think it is a reply about my post. Also there are several quotes from somethings i dont even see.

Am curious to know what was the reply to my post :P

Vicky answered somebody else's and it just appeared under yours by coincidence.  It's her style not to attribute or to bottom post.  It keeps people guessing who she's referring to.  :D That's why it appears that she took your stuff out of context.  It wasn't taken out of context, she was addressing someone else.

Further to your second question, nobody answered your enquiry.  Probably because it's in a gazillion other threads - but that's just a guess.  The notion that bank statements have to be notarized is something some random person on the internet vectored one day.  And a vector is true about 1% of the time.

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Re: Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2008, 12:00:45 PM »
Actually, I think WebyJ answered the question, then took offence at my response saying it was bad advice and deleted his/her post.  Which has confused things quite a lot.


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Re: Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2008, 12:02:45 PM »

The recommendation is to get a proper copy of 3-6 months bank statements ( as opposed to inet printoffs ) notarised in some way by the bank.

I have been to my bank, and they have told me that they will not sign or notarise in any way (their policy apparently) and that they are likely just to run off similar copies to the ones i can get from the web themselves.

what do we do ?

Ask them again, explain, beg.  They can run off the copies, but they should ideally be stamped and signed.  If they won't do it, as my previous post says, you will probably be okay.


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Re: Poofs and Flux on Spousal Visa
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2008, 12:04:17 PM »

Should I also be enclosing UK bank statements?  It's not a joint account (as I'm not there yet to make the change to a joint account) his financial information wasn't asked for.

Yes, you should, three months.  Is he already here?  You would need three months of payslips too and his job offer letter if possible.


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