I was just thinking (okay....obsessing

) Perhaps I may get a tracking number still.
The e-mail was clearly speaking in the future tense, and I assume they can't have a tracking number until a package is put together to be sent (well they technically could, but I wouldn't see why they would bother). So I might get lucky enough to get a tracking number e-mailed on Tuesday after they have printed off the visa and put the return package together.
Still perplexed by the odd wording of the e-mail tho. Maybe someone nice at the consulate who was taking pity on those whose apps were approved by didn't get sent out the same day? Would seem awfully considerate to not want people to wait through the long weekend.
Here is the actual e-mail for anyone interested:
Work permit Visa Application
Inbox X
to me
show details Oct 10 (1 day ago)
from CHICAVisaInfo@fco.gov.uk
to XXXXXXXXX@gmail.com
date Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 6:34 PM
subject Work permit Visa Application
Your visa will be printed on Tuesday for Delivery on Wednesday
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I am wondering if I can use the Jedi mind trick to bring my visa to my hand before Wednesday....