Remember you're talking to real people and nobody gets extra points for being BRITISH so you can can that too.
Can I please add to this...I would like it if the British people on this forum didn't make comments which sound as though they are speaking for ALL of us...they are clearly not.
Right, back to the issue. Benefits. yes, it is true that EU nationals can claim certain benefits as soon as they arrive. But why blame the EU nationals themselves for this? They didn't force this. This was something which came with the Maastricht Treaty, and then the signing of the Social Chapter...blame successive British governments, not the Polish guys who come here.
Second point...yes, they are entitled to these benefits. But do they always take them? No! I would like to see figures on this. I would like evidence of how many Polish guys come to the UK and immediately sign on and then sit on their arses. Once I see that there are more Polish long term unemployed than there are UK long term unemployed, then I'll start moaning about them too. But until then I go with the evidence of my own eyes. And I can say that of all the myriad EU nationals I have met through the course of my professional and private life, I see no dole scroungers. I see hard working people who contribute to the economy, and who are grateful for the work opportunities they have.
So...perhaps LuckyCuz and I just move in different circles. She sees people who play the system, I see people who are decent and hard working. Perhaps that just means...some immigrants are good and others are bad, just like some UK nationals are good and some are bad.