NHS vs US healthcare? I'll take the NHS any day! I just recently (week before Christmas) had a hysterectomy. It wasn't an emergency, elective and I had been waiting several months for it, but, as it wasn't an emergency so the wait was alright. When I was first offered the surgery I turned it down because I didn't know if my employer would give me the time to have it done (still thinking like an American!), however, they said no, call them back and see if you can still have the place and then plan on having 6 weeks off work (and this is with pay!!!). Fortunately, I work at a gp surgery and their thinking is they would rather we were healthy and able to work. It was wonderful to go into the hospital and not sign away my life & first born just to guarantee that i'll pay! Now, the hospital was state of the art, didn't have a tv or phone in the room, but that wasn't important. The care of the surgeon and staff were wonderful and professional and that was important. I was sent home with a bag of medication (didn't pay for them) and was told if I needed anything day or night to just call.
It makes me sad when I think about my parents back home who sometimes have to make decisions about whether they can afford some of their medicine each month, they make $1 over the limit to qualify for state help,,,,this is so very wrong. My husband and I have thought about going back to the states, so we could help them, but again, we couldn't afford it. My hubby also has parkinson's disease and there is no way we could afford his medication/medical treatments. So we stay here and help my folks from this end. On another note, I had a friend visit a few years ago and when she arrived she realised she had forgotten her asthma meds, so I arranged for her to be seen at my surgery, she offered to pay, they didn't accept her money and gave her a script for all her meds and it cost her less than £20! So, I'm very thankful for the NHS, sure it isn't great, but it ain't bad either!