Oh bless you, its so hard being away from your loved ones! My husband (who moved here on a spuose visa in October) went back to the US on June 6th aswell to do a 3 week IT bootcamp and get some certifications to help him find a job here. The minute he arrived there and the MSN ding dong went off i felt like we'd gone back in time. Im missing him loads
but on the plus side i can watch hollyoaks again and its all for a good cause - him getting the certs means he'll hopefully get job, then we can move into a bigger place and start a family
I think the closer you get to your final goal the harder it seems to be to be seperated - our shortest distance apart was the 4 weeks from getting married to being together and that was by far the hardest.
Its not much longer now, a week and a half (kind of) til you see him and then he'll be here before you know it. Cry as much as you need to and keep yourself surrounded by people who can take your mind off the seperation, who can cheer you up and who can give you lots of hugs! *HUGS*